Супермодель кристи тарлингтон

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Favorite Christy Turlington Quotes

Christy Turlington may be best known as a pretty face, but her business sense and natural intelligence are something that can’t be denied.

As a humanitarian, Turlington has spoken out often about raising awareness for causes that need it and used her platform to do a lot of good.

Here are our favorite quotes from Christy Turlington:

  • “As a Global Maternal Health Advocate, I get to travel the world quite a bit, meeting individuals and visiting programs with tremendous potential and incredible vision to improve the quality of life for countless others.” – Christy Turlington
  • “I sincerely feel that beauty largely comes from within.” – Christy Turlington
  • “Getting older is baggage for so many people, but I don’t spend time on things I can’t control. Wrinkles don’t scare me; they’re a part of life, and I will and do embrace them, but I look at surgery, and that scares me.” – Christy Turlington
  • “I have lots of other mountains that I would like to climb. I have no dream of Everest, but there are some, like Mount Fuji, I’d like to do.” – Christy Turlington
  • “The way I try to live is ‘Be here now.’ Be your best self now.” – Christy Turlington

Favorite Quotes from Petra Ecclestone

“It doesn’t matter how wealthy you might be, it doesn’t stop you getting sick. Money can come and go, but the health of your children is the most important thing in life. We’re all born the same way, we die the same way, whether rich or not. The rich may be able to employ more doctors.” – Petra Ecclestone 

“I got meningitis when I was 13, which was a pretty traumatic ordeal. I’ve appreciated life much more since then. I was hospitalized for two weeks.” – Petra Ecclestone 

“My real-life villain…is myself. I’m too much of a perfectionist, and my own worst enemy. I give myself a hard time about everything. I want my private and working life to be flawless.” – Petra Ecclestone 

“My style icons…Steve McQueen for his laid-back look. He doesn’t try too hard but looks glamorous and rugged. I love Brigitte Bardot’s big blonde hair and eye liner. She’s sexy without trying.” – Petra Ecclestone 

“The shops I can’t walk past… are generally in Soho and the meatpacking district in New York. It’s always clothing shops and shoe shops. And handbags. I probably have 50 pairs of shoes. I rarely buy shoes from the high street, I like them to be top end.” – Petra Ecclestone 

Christy Turlington’s Career Earnings

Christy Turlington hasn’t yet become one of the richest models in the world, but she has certainly earned a decent-sized fortune in the industry.

Unfortunately, information about her annual salary has never been made public, though we do know a bit about how she accumulated her wealth.

  • Since 1987, Turlington has appeared on nearly 1,000 magazine covers.
  • Turlington represented Calvin Klein in their Eternity campaign in 1989 and again in 2014.
  • In the 2000s, Turlington partnered with Sundari, an ayurvedic skincare line, and released two clothing lines with Puma.
  • Turlington has also served as a guest correspondent for the Today Show and was an initial product tester for the Apple Watch.

All of these projects and ventures have helped Christy Turlington grow her net worth into something remarkably substantial.

Personal Life

Paulina Porizkova holds dual Swedish and United States of America citizenship, allowing her to travel wherever she likes with ease.

She married the lead singer of “The Cars,” Ric Ocasek, in 1989 and the couple had two sons, Jonathan Raven Ocasek and Oliver Ocasek.

In May 2018, Porizkova announced her separation from Ric Ocasek, and a year later, in September 2019, while caring for him, she found him dead.

Ric’s death in 2021 precipitated her dispute with Ric Ocasek’s estate which was finally settled when she received the funds to which she was entitled.

In 2021, she briefly dated the popular screenwriter, Aaron Sorkin, who was famous for his films, “A Few Good Men” and “Charlie Wilson’s War”.

Porizkova is active on social media with an official X account as well as an official Instagram account where her fans can follow her. 

How Does Christy Turlington Spend Her Money?

While information about Christy Turlington’s spending habits is scarce, we do know that in 2010 she traveled the world to film her documentary, No Woman, No Cry, on her own dime.

The 60-minute film is meant to shed light on maternal health, and Turlington focused on four specific cases in Bangladesh, Tanzania, Guatemala, and the United States.

All of the travel and filming couldn’t have come cheap, and while we don’t know exactly how much Turlington spent on this venture, we expect it was in the millions.

Following the release of her documentary, Turlington also launched her own non-profit, Every Mother Counts, an organization dedicated to making pregnancy and childbirth safe across the world.


Paulina Porizkova’s career as a professional model began at the age of 15 when she was discovered by the world-famous modeling scout, John Casablancas.

She became the first Central European model to appear on the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue in 1984.

In 1985, she appeared on the cover of sports illustrated swimsuit issue, gracing the covers of top fashion magazines, Vogue, Elle, Harper’s Bazaar, and Cosmopolitan.

She became one of the richest models in the world, joining Cindy Crawford, Kate Moss, and Heidi Klum, on the runways of Milan and Paris.

Paulina became so well-known and popular that she secured a $6,000,000 contract with Estée Lauder in 1988, becoming their brand ambassador.

It wasn’t long before the major fashion houses beat a path to her door, with brands like Chanel, Versace, and Revlon signing her to represent them.

At the height of her modeling fame, she was one of the top models in Paris during the early and mid-1980s.

Crossover to Television and Acting

As her career as a professional model started to wane, Porizkova tried her hand at acting, making her film debut in 1987.

The movie was a great success and included other top acting talent including stars like Sofia Coppola daughter of Francis Ford Coppola and Sally Kirkland.

In Season 10, she was included as one of the panel of judges on “America’s Next Top Model,” replacing Twiggy who couldn’t fit it into her schedule.

She joined Tyra Banks and Nigel Barker in judging the contestants but in 2009, she announced that she had been fired from the show.

In 2007, she participated in “Dancing with the Stars” but ended up being the first one eliminated which was a huge blow to her self-esteem.

She got over the shame of being eliminated and played Clarissa on five episodes of the CBS Daytime soap opera, “As the World Turns.”

Paulina Porizkova’s acting career saw her appear in various film roles, including “Her Alibi,” “Arizona Dream,” and “Thursday.”

Finding Joy in Writing

Not content to sit around waiting for acting roles, Paulina co-authored a children’s book titled “The Adventures of Ralphie the Roach” in 1992.

The attempt at a children’s book did not go down well with the critics with it being described as ponderous and pretentious.

Despite her first book receiving mixed reviews, Paulina went ahead and published her first novel, “A Model Summer,” in 2007.

She also took to social media and is a blogger for Modelinia and The Huffington Post, producing fashion-related content for both publications. 


Paulina Porizkova’s modeling career is filled with highlights and memorable dresses and photo shoots for some of the richest designers in the world of fashion.

While she was breathtaking on the runways of Europe and America, her photoshoots and film roles also garnered widespread critical acclaim.

Here are some of the best highlights of Paulina Porizkova’s career: 

  • She landed a multimillion-dollar contract with Escada in the 1980s.
  • Paulina served as a judge on “America’s Next Top Model” between 2007 and 2009.
  • She appeared as herself in a 1987 episode of “Saturday Night Live.”
  • Paulina co-authored a children’s book, “The Adventures of Ralphie the Roach,” with British model Joanne Russell, in 1992.
  • She also published her first novel, “A Model Summer,” in 2007.

It is hard to believe that she is the same person who was forced to steal bread and cheese as a child, just to survive.

Her discovery by John Casablancas led her to the capitals of the world and riches she could never have imagined as a young, aspiring model.

Личная жизнь, муж и дети

Модель из мира Высокой моды Кристи Тарлингтон, принадлежит к тем известным красавицам, о которых говорят, что они любят только один раз в жизни. Действительно, ещё в 2000 году, Кристи познакомилась с голливудским красавчиком и актером Эдвардом Бернсом.

Кристи и Эдвард Бернс в начале нулевых годов

В 2003 году состоялась их официальная свадьба в Сан-Франциско и пара имеет двоих детей — дочь Грейс и сына Финна. Сейчас звездная семья живет в большом Нью-Йоркском особняке, а Кристи Тарлингтон постоянно радует своих поклонников счастливыми семейными фото в соцсетях.

Свадьба Кристи и Эдварда Бернса, 2003 годКристи и её муж, актер Эдвард Бернс сейчас


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Кристи Тарлингтон родилась 2 января 1969 года, в городе Окленд, США. Фотомодель имеет двух сестер. Её родители посвятили всю жизнь авиации — мама работала стюардессой, а отец был летчиком гражданских авиалиний. В 1983 году юная Кристи была замечена модельным агентством и с разрешения родителей начала делать свои первые шаги, пробивая себе путь в мир Высокой моды.

Фотомодель Кристи Тарлингтон в молодости. Нью-Йорк, конец 1990-х годов

Кристи Тарлингтон имеет консервативное образование в области философии и религиоведения, которое она получила в Нью-Йорке, когда в 18 лет уехала работать моделью в этот знаменитый город США.

1991 год. Фэшн-фотограф Артур Элгорт, Танзания

Успех карьеры

Карьера прямой фотомодели давалась Кристи с легкостью и даже с некоторым гламурным изяществом. В конце 1980-х годов, американская модель уже украшала обложки множество именитых изданий и участвовала в рекламных компаниях таких знаменитых Домов Моды, как: “Версаче“, “Кельвин Кляйн”, “Шанель“, “Валентино” и “Ив Сен-Лоран”.

В это время, фотосессии и имиджевые образы модели начинает формировать знаменитый фешн-фотограф Стивен Майзел, придавая модельному амплуа Тарлингтон нотки нонконформизма и стилистического бунта.

Кристи Тарлингтон и фотограф Стивен Майзел. Начало 1990-х годов

В 1990 году, гламурный глянец “Vogue” признал Тарлингтон самымой востребованной супермоделью, за все время существования мира Высоко Моды. Кристи, вместе с такими дивами мировых подиумов, как: Клаудия Шиффер, Наоми Кэмпбелл, Синди Кроуфорд и Линда Евангелиста — прочно заняла позицию самой влиятельной и высокооплачиваемой модели мира.

Супермодели Кристи Тарлингтон и Наоми Кемпбелл в конце 1980-х годов

Благотворительная деятельность

В начале нулевых годов и будучи уже известной фотомоделью, Кристи отправилась кореспондентом в Афганистан и написала колонку в издании  “Today Show” — об образовании молодых девушек этой далекой горной страны. Американская модель стала знаменитой и в религиоведческих кругах, после того, как взяла интервью у самого Далай Ламы — духовного лидера Тибетских буддистов. Для этого Тарлингтон специально прилетела в Индию.

Супермодель является правозащитницей и основала в 2010 году фонд помощи по охране материнства по всему миру. В этом же году, на фестивале “Tribeca Film Festival” состоялся дебют Кристи как режессера.

Известная фотомодель сама поставила документальный фильм “Женщина не плачь” (No Woman, No Cry), о сложных судьбах беременных женщин Бангладеша, Гватемалы и США. В 2013 году Тарлингтон выпустила еще один короткометражный документальный фильм “Every Mile, Every Mother” (2013) о беге на длинные дистанции, вложив в него метафору пути беременной женщины.

Кристи Тарлингтон в Индии, Агра, Тадж-Махал 

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Christy Turlington Will Never Have Any Work

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«Christy Nicole Turlington2 January 1969Turlington has 2 children:• Grace Burns (2003);• Finn Burns (2006);»

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«Two goddesses…pure perfection!»

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3 Amazing Lessons From Christy Turlington

There are many things we can learn from Christy Turlington and her long career in the spotlight.

Now that you know all about Christy Turlington’s net worth, we can look at what she can teach us about finding our own personal success.

Here are some of the best success lessons to learn from Christy Turlington:

1. Give Back When You Can

If you’re in a position to give back and help people who need it most, you absolutely should.

Not only will it make you feel good, giving you a solid motivation boost, but it can be just the thing someone else needs to jumpstart their own goals.

2. One Man’s Kilimanjaro Is Another Man’s Everest

Not everyone measures success the same way, and not everyone has the same abilities.

Don’t be discouraged if you can’t reach the same heights others have, because everyone’s journey is unique to them, and you just have to focus on your own path.

Don’t be a fish trying to climb a tree; hone your personal skills and build your own personal brand of success.

3. Live In The Present

Having a plan for the future is essential, but if you hyperfocus on that big picture too much, you miss all the small details going on around you.

Reminding yourself to stay mindful of the here and now is something you should try to do each and every day.

Кристи Тарлингтон сейчас

Сейчас фотомодели уже больше пятидесяти лет, но она по прежнему в форме и занимается достаточно экзотической йогой под названием “Дживамукти”. Еще 20-ть лет назад Кристи, после своей поездки в Индию, выпустила книгу “Живая Йога: Создание Жизненной Практики”, которая на данный момент является бестселлером и постоянно переиздается.

Американская модель является любительницей городских марафонов на длинные дистанции и часто посещает эти спортивные мероприятия в Нью-Йорке, Сан-Франциско и Лондоне. В 2021 году супермодель стала лицом рекламной компании аромата “Calvin Klein”, а также появилась в редакционной статье американской версии “Vogue”, вместе с такими моделями, как: Джиджи Хадид, Клаудия Шиффер, Кендалл Дженнер и Наталья Водянова.

Кристи Тарлингтон на беговом марафоне “Golden Gate Half Marathon”, Сан-Франциско

Awards & Achievements

Paulina Porizkova has spent the past 4 decades making a name for herself in the fashion, beauty, and film industries.

She is also a sought-after contributor to magazines and online publications, whose audiences welcome her direct advice and commentary.

Here are a few of the most significant events in Paulina Porizkova’s career:

  • Harper’s Bazaar named Porizkova as the most beautiful woman in the world in 1992.
  • The American Photo magazine declared Porizkova as the model of the 1980s.
  • Paulina was declared the Top Professional Model in Paris during the early 1980s.
  • She was voted one of the 50 Most Beautiful People in the world, in 1990 and 1992 by People magazine.
  • In 1988, Paulina Porizkova secured the lucrative Estée Lauder contract.

While she was walking the runways of the world’s fashion centers, Porizkova was also looking towards her future after modeling was over.

She chose to follow a career in acting, grabbing parts in various movies which helped to expand her business empire.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: