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Ali Has Been By Bono’s Side Through So Much

Bono has also opened up about some of the harder times that he and Ali have experienced together, before the memoir was released. He spoke about how they share a “grand madness” in their marriage at the New Yorker Festival in October 2022, but it’s also what helps their relationship work. “There’s something about knowing that you’re going against the odds. But I would say if you ask me seriously, friendship can outpace romantic love, sometimes. And friendship is what myself and Ali have. When you have romantic love and friendship, that’s really something special,” he said, according to 

At the festival, he also explained how they’ve supported each other through so much. “Any time either of us got lost, the other would … be there to get the other one home. And I’m so grateful,” he said. “40 years is a powerful number for me. That’s a powerful number for Ali. And it was brilliant when we got to 40, and we went, ‘Let’s not f**k this up now.’”

Elijah Hewson

Elijah Hewson from Inhaler performs during Rock en Seine Festival. Pic: Getty Images

Elijah, Bono’s first son, whose biblical name was almost foretelling of how his fans would view him, has very much followed in his father’s footsteps as the frontman of the mega-popular band Inhaler.

After forming the band with his classmates, they released their first album It Won’t Always Be Like This, which debuted at No.1 on the UK charts, an achievement which marked the first time an Irish band debuted on the charts in 13 years.

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Despite criticism for the band’s sound resembling that of U2’s, Elijah told Guitar World that himself and his bandmates wanted to ‘go out and do it by ourselves.’

Inhaler recently supported Harry Styles when he performed at Slane and Sam Fender in Belfast. The only way is up for this supergroup it would seem.

Детство и известные родители

Ирландскую актрису Ив Хьюсон (Eve Hewson) зрители запомнили и полюбили после показа сериала «Больница Никербокер» и главной роли в ленте «Робин Гуд: Начало».

Мемфис Ив Санни Дэй Хьюсон появилась на свет в городе Дублин 7 июля 1991 года. Отец девочки рок-музыкант Пол Хьюсон (Боно), мама – активистка Элисон Стюарт. Женщина знаменита тем, что активно выступала за ядерное разоружение. Кроме Ив в семье воспитывались старшая сестра Джордан и младшие мальчики Элая и Джон.

Детские годы будущей звезды прошли на малой родине. Старшие Хьюсон старались обеспечить отпрыску всестороннее развитие. Девочка посещала:

  • уроки французского;
  • музыкальную школу;
  • секцию большого тенниса.

Надо сказать, девочка росла хулиганистой. Даже мама как-то стала называть дочь мужским именем Эллиот.

Решение стать актрисой присутствовало с юных лет. Как позже актриса говорила: «Я вытанцовывала у телевизора, подражая происходящему на экране, пока кто-нибудь из раздраженных членов семьи не просил меня сесть и успокоиться».

Родители Ив воспитывали детей с пониманием детской психологии. Четверо наследников никогда не чувствовали себя узниками «золотой клетки». Мудрые супруги Хьюсон относились к желаниям детей ответственно, поддерживали все начинания. Между тем, к привилегиям, которые могли быть доступны детям таких прославленных звезд, они допущены не были. К слову, отец Ив – мировая знаменитость, рок-звезда.

Какое-то время назад актриса признавалась о желании развеять досужие слухи о золотой молодежи – детях знаменитостей. Масса детей звезд занимаются разными вещами. Пытаются совмещать даже совсем несовмещаемые дела. Например, Кайли Дженнер. Женщина решает, что певица, и она поет, потом ей кажется, что актриса, тогда снимается. Или налаживает выпуск мерча либо увлекается выпуском и продажей косметических средств. Что до Хьюсон, девушка мечтала и хочет состояться только как актриса кино.

После окончания средней школы Ив Хьюсон стала студенткой колледжа Сент-Эндрюса на малой родине – в городе Дублин. Как только исполнилось 18 лет будущая звезда экрана поехала покорять Нью-Йорк. Чтобы осуществить свою самую главную мечту о карьере актрисы кино, Ив поступила в Академию киноискусства Нью-Йорка. За дочерью туда же поехали и родители Ив Хьюсон.

His younger brother is also a budding musician.

John Hewson’s brother, Elijah Hewson, followed in the footsteps of his father, Bono, by pursuing a career in music. From the time he was a small child, Bono’s son, Elijah, displayed a strong interest in his father’s job. After forming his own rock band, Inhaler, he is now following in his father’s footsteps as a worldwide rockstar. John’s brother’s band came in fifth place on the BBC’s Sound of 2020 list. In the same year, the band was also named to the NME 100.

Jordan and Eve Hewson, both of John Hewson’s sisters, are also achieving success in their own fields. Jordan, his older sister, is a well-known software entrepreneur and activist in the same way that his mother, Ali, is. Similarly, Eve, John’s other sister, has established herself as one of Ireland’s most popular actors. She portrays Adele in the British supernatural psychological thriller web series Behind Her Eyes, which she starred in in 2021.

Returning to John, he does not appear to have dabbled with music or any other field at this time. However, after his father wrote that the youngest Hewson family member is a natural comic whose inspirations are street artists, the younger Hewson family member became a natural comedian. Furthermore, Bono claims that his youngest son, John, plays rugby as well as he did and is even better than he was.

John, on the other hand, has not picked a certain career path. However, given his parents’ and brothers’ success, we are confident that he will soon come out of his shell and achieve greatness in whichever career path he chooses.

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Клинт и Франческа Иствуд

Звезде лучших вестернов прошлого века Клинту Иствуду уже 91. Но все мы помним, что в молодости от этого красавца с аристократической внешностью было просто не оторвать глаз. А ковбойская шляпа, револьвер и небрежная щетина только подкрепляли его сшибающую с ног мужскую харизму — видимо, именно она стала причиной того, что у Клинта семь детей от разных женщин.

Одна из пяти дочерей Иствуда, Франческа, появилась на свет в 1993-м от актрисы Фрэнсис Фишер. 28-летняя наследница пошла по стопам отца и решила стать артисткой. Первую известность девушка получила благодаря участию в реалити-шоу «Миссис Иствуд и компания», посвященном жизни знаменитой семьи. А позже Франческа снялась в таких картинах, как «Амнезия», «Хранилище» и «Парни из Джерси».

Интересно, что в 2013-м девушка вышла замуж за Джордана Фельдстейна, брата актера Джона Хилла, но уже через неделю пара развелась. В 2017-м Франческа вновь пошла под венец, уже с актером Клифтоном Коллинзом.

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В русском языке запятая используется на письме:

для обособления (выделения)

  • определений, если определение находится после определяемого слова, либо имеет добавочное обстоятельственное значение, либо в случаях, когда определяемое слово является именем собственным или личным местоимением,
  • обстоятельств, кроме тех случаев, когда обстоятельство является фразеологизмом; также в случаях, когда обстоятельство выражено существительным с предлогом (кроме предлогов невзирая на, несмотря на), запятая ставится факультативно;

также при использовании:

  • причастных и деепричастных оборотов,
  • обращений,
  • уточнений,
  • междометий,
  • вводных слов (по некоторым источникам, вводные слова входят в состав обособленных обстоятельств, по другим — нет),

для разделения:

  • между частями сложносочинённого, сложноподчинённого или сложного бессоюзного предложения;
  • между прямой речью и косвенной, если косвенная речь стоит после прямой речи, а сама прямая речь не заканчивается знаками «!» и «?»; в этом случае после запятой (если она поставлена) всегда ставится тире.
  • при однородных членах.

Who Are Eve Hewson’s Parents?

Eve is the daughter of Paul Hewson, better known to the world as Bono, the singer of the rock band U2. Eve’s mother is Ali Hewson, an international activist, and businesswoman. Eve is one of Ali and Bono’s four children. Her siblings are sister Jordan Hewson, 31, and brothers Elijah Hewson, 21, and John Hewson, 19. She would say in a 2020 interview that she had a normal childhood — as normal as one could get being the daughter of Bono, but she did take advantage of his rockstar status sometimes (like prank calling Justin Timberlake.) 

“My mom would say I was quiet, shy, and interesting. But she said I always had really good comedic timing. I would be dead quiet and then crack a joke and make everyone laugh,” Eve told The Irish Times. “I think I’ve always been a bit more comfortable performing than being myself. I sucked my thumb for years. I cut off all my hair because I was obsessed with ET and wanted to be Elliott. I made everybody call me Elliott for three years. I wore a hoodie. I was in a corner, you know, hiding under tables from people … actually, I know a lot of actors who are painfully shy. I’m not painfully shy anymore, but yeah, when I was younger, I was a bit reclusive.”

Sweet Tooth: Мальчик с оленьими рогами

  • Оценка
    7,3 / 7,8 (КиноПоиск/IMDb)
  • Жанр
    фантастика, фэнтези, боевик, драма, приключения
  • Страна
  • В главных ролях
    Нонсо Анози, Кристиан Конвери, Адиль Ахтар
  • Режиссёр
    Джим Микл, Тоа Фрейзер, Робин Грэйс
  • Длительность
    50 мин
  • Студия
  • Дата премьеры
    4 июня 2021
  • Сценарий
    Джастин Бойд

Завершает топ крутых сериалов первого полугодия 2021-го шоу с очень богатой родословной. Сериал основан на одноименном комиксе издательства Vertigo, подразделения DC Comics. Vertigo — это дом «Проповедника» Гарта Энниса, «Болотной твари» Алана Мура, «Песочного человека» Нила Геймана и «Американского вампира» Стивена Кинга и Скотта Снайдера. А в исполнительных продюсерах у самого сериала — Роберт Дауни-младший с женой. С таким составом «семьи» проект, кажется, должен был стать нуарной супергероикой с дерзкими шутками и крутейшими монстрами, но таким больше вышел «Неуязвимый», а «Мальчик с оленьими рогами» — это семейный сериал. Хотя комикс был достаточно мрачным, так что экранизация сохранила серьезность и жестокость местами. В описании шоу прижилась формула «Бэмби встречает Безумного Макса», а в рецензиях часто звучат упоминания «Мандалорца», «Странную жизнь Тимоти Грина» и «Повелителя муж». Но хватит интертекста, перейдем к конкретике.

Мир накрыло очередной пандемией. В этот раз человечество редеет из-за Хвори, на зараженных ведется жесточайшая охота, и шансов вылечиться нет. С Хворью люди связывают и появление детей-гибридов: малыши рождаются полулюдьми, полуживотными, так что милых и не очень созданий, срисованных будто с фрик-фестивалей, тут будет много. Но во вселенной сериала никто детишкам с кошачьими носиками не умиляется, а «у меня лапки» — это не мем, а прямой билетик в ад. Гибридов считают опасными отбросами человечества, подлежащими уничтожению. Главного героя Гаса, мальчика с оленьими рогами, спасает любовь отца, который живет с сыном в лесу и запрещает малышу отходить от дома. Но папа не вечен, и мирная жизнь среди деревьев заканчивается, когда Гаса находят охотники. Что делают охотники с оленями, все усвоили благодаря непроработанным травмам Уолта Диснея, лишавшего всех своих героев мам, но Гаса спасает загадочный Джеппард — одинокий странник, берущий заботу о мальчике на себе. Вот и начинается «Мандалорец»: роуд-муви про большого дядю и милого ребенка, которые бродят по неприветливым землям, коллекционируют неприятности и неспешно ведут зрителя к какой-то масштабной развязке.


А еще 2021-й порадовал фанбазу киновселенной Marvel сразу тремя сериалами: вышел стильнейший псевдоситком про Ванду и Вижена, сериал про сбежавшего от Мстителей Локи и проект про главную любовь Капитана Америки — Зимнего солдата и Сокола. Последние заработали премию MTV как лучший экранный дуэт, а Энтони Макки, сыгравший Сокола, выиграл награду за лучшего героя. На той же премии щедро одарили статуэтками и «Ванду/Вижена»: отдали сериалу «ТВ-шоу года», «Лучшую драку», «Лучшего злодея» и «Лучшую актрису» Элизабет Олсен. Про все эти сериалы Disney+ подробнее расскажем в списке проектов мышиного стриминга.

How old is Eve Hewson?- Age, Height, and Measurements

Eve Hewson, the charming actress with those enchanting blue eyes, is a beauty to see. Her sharp facial features are easy to notice from afar too. Likewise, she has got long dark brown hair that frames her beautiful face flawlessly.

The Irish actress, Eve, was born on the seventh of June in 1991, which makes her 28 years old. Just in her late 20s, she is still vibrant and radiant than ever. Also, she was born under Gemini’s sign, and they are known for being smart, out-going, and free-spirited.

Eve Hewson looks stunning.

Aside from this, Hewson has a stunning figure as well. Looking at her slim figure, it is hard to believe she is just 5 feet 1 inch(155 cm) tall. She weighs 49 kgs(108 lbs), while her other measurements are a mystery.

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Ali Hewson Is An Irish Activist & Businesswoman.

Born Alison Stewart on March 23, 1961, Alison grew up in the Raheny suburb of Dublin’s northern side. She received a degree in sociology and political science at the University College Dublin in 1989, per Her degree has benefited her lifelong activism. In the 1990s, she got involved in anti-nuclear efforts, including charities to help the child victims of Chernobyl. She also spearheaded a campaign to send 1.5 million postcards from the Irish people to then British Prime Minister Tony Blair, all to raise awareness of the risk of radioactive pollution from the Sellafield nuclear plant drifting across to Ireland.

“I know how I want to try and live my life,” she told The Telegraph. “I know I don’t want to leave any darkness behind me. I think we should all have a responsibility not to affect other people in a negative way. It starts with your children – you see how trusting they are, so small and so innocent. That’s why I got involved in the Chernobyl project, because of what happened to the children there.”

She has also cofounded two ethically conscious businesses: Edun, a clothing company focused on bringing fair trade to fashion, and Nude, a “thoroughly modern, impeccably ethical skincare brand,” per the Telegraph. “Africa had six percent of the world trade in the 1980s, which has dropped to two percent now. If they were to gain back one percent of world trade,” said Ali, “that’s the equivalent of $70 billion dollars a year, which would be twice what they get in aid. That’s why we had the idea of trying to do something in Africa that would put our money where our mouth was – to actually make a difference by developing Edun.” French conglomerate LVMH (Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton) has invested deeply into both companies.

Ali Hewson Inspired Several U2 Songs

Ali has been Bono’s muse for his work in U2 – for better or for worse. Perhaps the biggest song Ali inspired was “The Sweetest Thing.”

“It was written during the sessions for The Joshua Tree. It was Ali’s birthday, and I didn’t make it for the birthday,” Bono said in 1998, per Rolling Stone. “It was actually the one song we always felt we could have nailed better than we did. In my mind, it was always a pop song, and I always felt we could do it better.” The song was bumped from the album and released as a B-side to “Where The Streets Have no Name” in 1988.

When U2 released The Best of 1980–1990/The B-Sides compilation, they gave the song some extra polish and finally did it right. They released it as a single – along with a video featuring Ali – and it reached the Top 20 across the globe. All proceeds from the song were donated to the Chernobyl Children’s Project, per Ali’s request.

Eve Hewson

Eve Hewson wearing vintage dress by Armani and earings by HVN (Harley Viera-Newton)
‘Bad Sisters’ film premiere. Pic: REX

Bono’s second daughter, Eve, whose full name is Memphis Eve Sunny Day Iris Hewson — she was literally born to be famous — has become very recognisable to many of us.

Despite her father’s fame, Eve told the Irish Times of how normal her childhood was, ‘The one thing I think prepared me for the career I have now was being able to go the school down the road, to just live a Dublin life.’

Eve went on to study acting at New York University which lead her to her first major role in the 2011 film This Must Be The Place. Since then, she’s acted in movies such as Enough Said, Bridge of Spies and Behind Her Eyes — which is by the way, unbelievably good.

Unlike many of the prepped and primed Hollywood nepo babies, Eve has no issue addressing her privilege, saying on Twitter: ‘2023 Goals: be successful enough to get recognised as a nepo baby.’

Объяснение сюжета

Из-за сочетания в картине нескольких жанров, осознать сразу, в чем В ее глазах смысл сериала – трудно. Любовная мелодрама постепенно превращается в триллер с элементами мистики.

Несмотря на столь закрученный сюжет, фильм затрагивает множество серьезных тем:

  • одиночества;
  • любви;
  • самоотдачи и принятия себя;
  • зависимости;
  • женской дружбы;
  • верности и счастья.

Но главной темой остается проблема психического здоровья, связанная с личными внутренними страхами и психологическими травмами.

Авторы пытаются ответить на вопрос – возможно ли понять, как на самом деле устроены близкие люди. Захочет ли кто-то узнать правду о родном человеке, понимая, к каким последствиям это может привести. Ответы на эти вопросы каждый должен найти для себя сам.

John Hewson Prefers to remain out of the limelight

Unlike his renowned siblings and parents, Bono’s kid, John Hewson, prefers to live a normal life away from the spotlight. He is currently visible on Instagram, where he has over 2K followers. His posts, on the other hand, are exclusively accessible to those whom he confirms as his trusted associates. As a result, little data regarding his career and daily life are available.

Despite the fact that John Hewson’s Instagram account is secret, his siblings have shared his photos on their social media profiles multiple times. Jordan, his sister, shared a photo of him on the beach on his 15th birthday, referring to him as the unofficial tallest Hewson.

She had even posted images of him massaging her foot and taking a selfie with her a few months before his birthday. Jordan later uploaded another photo with John and her other siblings in 2019, in which they are enjoying some brother-sister time.

Looking at the photos supplied by John’s sister, it’s evident that he’s grown into a really gorgeous tall boy. In the next days, we expect to learn more about this charming young man.

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John Abraham Hewson’s profile summary and bio

Full name John Abraham Hewson
Date of birth 21 May 2001
Age 22 (as of May 2023)
Birth sign Gemini
Place of birth Dublin, Ireland
Nationality Irish
Gender Male
Relationship status Not known
Parents Paul David, AKA BonoAlison
Siblings 3
Known for Being Bono’s son

John Abraham Hewson’s band and net worth

Having lived a private life, not much has been recorded regarding John’s net worth. His father has mentioned, however, that his son is a talented comedian and that he plays rugby.

There are reports that he is the lead singer of a band called the Red Skulls, but little is known about this group.

John Abraham Hewson’s parents

John’s parents, Bono and Alison, are teenage sweethearts. They first met when they were 12 years old but did not start dating until high school. The pair tied the knot in 1982 and had four children in their 41 years of marriage.

Ali and Bono at the 45th Kennedy Centre Honours ceremony in 2022. Photo: Paul MorigiSource: Getty Images

John Abraham Hewson’s siblings

John is the youngest of four children. He has two sisters, Jordan, who is the eldest, followed by Eve, and then his brother Elijah.

Bono and Ali’s children. From the left: Elijah, Jordan, John and Eve. Photo: @jordanjoyhewsonSource: Instagram

Jordan Hewson

Jordan, the eldest of the siblings, attended the 2022 Glamour Women of the Year Awards. Photo: Taylor HillSource: Getty Images

Jordan Joy was born on 10 May 1989 and is the eldest of Bono and Ali Hewson’s four children. She is the founder and chairwoman of Speakable, a tech company that aims to make civic engagement more accessible and practical. The platform partnered with publishers and NGOs to add an action button on their websites.

According to Forbes, she made the 30 under 30 list for Social Entrepreneurs in 2019. She is also the Founding Editor of Global Citizen.

Eve Hewson

Actress Memphis Eve Sunny Day at the 2023 Vanity Fair Oscar Party. Photo: Lionel HahnSource: Getty Images

Memphis Eve Sunny Day, professionally known as Eve Hewson, was born on 7 July 1991. She made her acting debut alongside her sister Jordan in the short film Lost and Found in 2005, even though her parents were against her performing. Since then, Eve has been in several series and movies, including Bridge of Spies, starring Tom Hanks, and Otto Bathurst’s version of Robin Hood with co-stars Jamie Foxx and Jamie Dornan.

In 2021, she appeared in the Netflix mini-series Behind Her Eyes, based on the 2017 novel of the same name by Sarah Pinborough. She currently appears in the Apple TV+ series Bad Sisters.

Elijah Hewson

Lead singer of Inhaler, Elijah, performing at the Victorious Festival at Southsea Common in 2022. Photo: Harry HerdSource: Getty Images

The third sibling, Elijah Bob Patricius Guggi Q, was born on 17 August 1999. Currently, Eli is the lead vocalist and guitarist of the Irish music group Inhaler, formed in 2012. Their debut studio album, It Won’t Always Be Like This, was released on 9 July 2021, and it received excellent reviews.

Her Parents Didn’t Initially Want Her To Act

At first, Bono and Ali hoped that Eve would go to a regular college and pursue a career outside of the entertainment world. “I wanted to be a real actor, you know, like Meryl Streep and go to grad school,” Eve told The Irish Times in Feb. 2021.  “My parents said you can only apply to Tisch , and you probably won’t get it, so good luck.” Despite this “encouragement,” Eve auditioned and the ordeal – she was “vomiting all night long” afterward due to nerves – her parents realized, “ ‘Oh, she must really care about this.’ “ and they supported her fully afterward. Eve got into Tish, spent four “challenging” but fulfilling years at the school. Since then, the parents have been on board.

The Hewsons are forging a family dynasty in fields ranging from popular culture to humanitarianism

Inhaler, led by Elijah Hewson, son of Bono, have topped the charts with their debut album (Photo: Polydor)

By Adam SherwinArts and Media Correspondent

July 16, 2021 6:00 pm

The apple never falls far from the Joshua Tree.

Elijah Hewson, son of Bono, has scored his first number one with the debut album by his band, Inhaler.

Powered by 21 year-old Elijah’s impassioned vocals, the Dublin group has prompted comparisons with The Killers, Kings of Leon – and inevitably, U2.

It Won’t Always Be Like This entered the Official UK Albums chart at number one, a feat U2 had to wait for their third album, War, to achieve.

Elijah admits following in his father’s footsteps was daunting. “When I started singing everyone told me ‘You sound like your dad’ but there’s nothing I can do about it. That’s just DNA.”

He added: “We’ve had to work harder because you want to win those people over, but music is the thing we were always going to do, regardless of who my dad is.”

Inhaler told Official “We can’t believe our album has gone to Number 1. From starting off in small clubs in the UK to where we are today, never did we think during the making of this album that this would be possible for us four chancers.”

“Thank you to everyone who bought or streamed our record. It means the absolute world to us.”

Elijah’s mother is Alison Hewson, an Irish activist and businesswoman, who has been married to U2 singer Bono, born Paul Hewson, since 1982.

From left, Alison Hewson, Bono, actress Eve Hewson, and Jordan Hewson attend Glamour Women Of The Year 2016 at NeueHouse Hollywood (Photo: Getty/Kevork Djansezian)

Between Elijah and his siblings, the Hewsons are forging a family dynasty in fields ranging from popular culture to humanitarianism.

Eve Hewson, 30, is a rising actress who has notched up a variety of film credits, including Robin Hood and Steven Spielberg’s drama Bridge Of Spies. This year she starred in the Netflix psychological thriller Behind Her Eyes.

She admitted that having a famous father made it “easier for me to get in the door.” But her impressive performances mean she is now judged on her own merits.

“I was always going to have eyes on me, whatever I did, so it’s been great to build my own identity and my own career and feel like I’m an individual now, as opposed to a part of something or someone else.”

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Eldest daughter Jordan, 32, who lives in in New York, is emulating her parents by pursuing a career in social activism.

Previously named in Forbes magazine’s 30 under 30 list of “the brashest entrepreneurs across the United States”, Jordan launched Speakable, a tool which allows readers of online news to donate to a cause, sign a petition, or contact a policy maker mentioned in the story.

“The tool aims to not only inspire you to take action, it also enables readers to participate in a meaningful way, with just a single click,” she told Vogue.

Youngest child John, 20, has remained out of the spotlight so far, although Bono noted he was a promising sportsman.

Elijah, who shares his father’s striking looks and vocal phrasing, says Bono did not push him into a music career but is on hand to offer advice.

“He definitely knew it was important that we made our own mistakes,” Hewson says. “So it really was just, ‘Go on your own, figure it out.’”

Inhaler claimed the top spot with 18,000 chart sales, 92 per cent of which were vinyl copies.

They have some way to go to equal U2’s career sales of 170 million records.

Карьера в индустрии кино

Кинокарьера Ив Хьюсон стартовала, когда Ив была подростком 14 лет. На широкий формат и большой экран актриса вышла в 2008 году. С тех пор актрисой сыграно десятки главных и эпизодических ролей.


Первая роль, сыгранная Ив, была в короткометражной картине «Lost and Found». Снималась девочка вместе с родной сестрой.

Взрослая кинокарьера Хьюсон началась с драмы «Клуб 27». Картина о молодом музыканте, который свел счеты с жизнью к 27 годам. Смерть исполнителя дополнила список клуба 27. До молодого певца туда попали:

  • Джим Моррисон;
  • Курт Кобейн;
  • Джимми Хендрикс и другие знаменитые представители рок-музыки.

В 2010 году актриса проявила себя в нескольких сферах:

  • стала героиней клипа на песню «For The First Time», в исполнении рок-группы «The Script»;
  • снялась в драматической картине «Где бы ты ни был», где коллегой по съемкам стал Шон Пенн;
  • стала героиней триллера Гийома Кане.

В 2013 Хьюсон удостоилась диплома Нью-Йоркской киноакадемии. Чуть погодя актрисе дали одну из главных ролей в многосерийной ленте Стивена Содерберга «Больница Никербокер». Фильм о работе докторов в госпитале Нью-Йорка в начале двадцатого века. Героиня Ив молоденькая медсестра Люси. У начинающей медички все впереди, скоро девушка узнает больничную кухню, свыкнется с абсолютным цинизмом врачей. Наивной дочери провинциального пастора Люси трудно свыкнуться с происходящим.

На одной площадке с Хьюсон еще одну ключевую роль играл Клайв Оуэн, который воплощал Джона Такери, талантливого хирурга-наркомана. К слову, эти актеры уже пересекались на съемках ленты «Кровные узы».

Только состоялась премьера картины, а к ней спешила уже следующая роль. На этот раз актрисе посчастливилось сыграть на одной площадке со Стивеном Спилбергом. Снимали картину о периоде «Холодной войны», жизни двух резидентов и противоборствующих стран. Картина называется «Шпионский мост». Экранного папу Ив сыграл Том Хэнкс. Совместная работа с актером оставила огромное впечатление.

К 2017 году Хьюсон появилась в триллере «Мотылек», а спустя год вышла мелодрама «Бумажный год». Здесь разворачивались события первого года супружеской жизни. Молодой женой как раз была Ив, которая неожиданно для себя влюбилась в коллегу.

Ив Хьюсон (Eve Hewson) фото

Осенью 2018 знаменитость появилась на экранах в роли девы Мэриан из блокбастера «Робин Гуд: Начало». Параллельно актриса снималась в драматической картине «Приключения мальчика-волка».

Jordan Hewson

Jordan Hewson, Glamour’s 28th annual Women of the Year Awards, Arrivals. Pic: REX

Let’s start with Jordan, the eldest. In an interview for HuffPost’s Talk to Me series, Bono described Jordan as ‘the greatest gift I could ever get’, and said that despite being unsure as to whether he was ready for a family back then, she ‘probably saved my life.’

Jordan grew up in Ireland with her three siblings but ventured to Columbia University to get her undergrad degree in political science, followed by her master’s degree in creative writing.

In 2016, she followed in her father’s footsteps, setting up Speakable, a tech company aimed at promoting social activism which has since landed her on the Forbes 30 Under 30 list.

Варианты и производные



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В средневековых рукописях использовался ранний вариант запятой, выглядевший как точка с правым полукругом сверху. Для определённых сокращений использовался и знак повышенной запятой (⸴).

В фонетической транскрипции Palaeotype для индикации назализации использовалась перевёрнутая запятая.

Все три символа закодированы в Юникоде в блоке Дополнительная пунктуация (англ. Supplemental Punctuation) под кодами U 2E4C, U 2E34 и U 2E32 соответственно.

Ali Moves in Mysterious Ways.

Despite more than four decades together, Ali still mystifies Bono. “When we’re leaving for tour, my family is in very good humor, which is a real worry because I’m thinking, ‘Can’t you cry?’ My missus has been playing hard to get for quite a while now, and she’s an elusive character,” he said in a 2014 interview with The Sun (h/t ). “She’s not easy to get to know and other people’s praise holds not much sway for her. She’s a very independent, smart kind of girl, who, I think, sees me as a figure of amusement. Most of the time, I enjoy her company.”

“I hold on to people very tightly who I think can get me through,” added Bono. “They’re sitting at this table , but Ali is also one of those people. I hold on to her much more tightly than she holds on to me.”

Bono has opened up about how his wife still surprises him in the aforementioned Sunday Times interview. “She’s not just a mystery to me, by the way. She’s a mystery to her daughters, to her sons,” he said. “I mean, we’re all trying to get to know her. She’s endlessly fascinating. She’s … full of mischief.”

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